If your payment fails, please contact your service provider. Make sure your bank or credit card provider is not blocking Online or International Transactions.
In the event of a payment failure, please do not attempt your purchase multiple times, or you will trigger our Fraud Prevention system. This will block any purchase you attempt to make for at least 24 hours.
Please do not use PO boxes, for addresses, or Initials, instead of first and last names. Additionally, some prepaid cards are unable to be used for international purchases. Please make sure you verify that yours is able to be used internationally.
Occasionally, some users experience an Internal Server Error, when attempting to make purchases on the Dragona World shop. To fix this issue, please try the following solutions:
- Disable Add Ons.
- Clear your Cache, delete your cookies and restart your browser.
- Attempt your purchase with a different browser.
- Log out of your Dragona World Account, log back in and try again.
If you are unable to resolve your payment failure, please contact support@paymentwall.com.